
Kelly Stafford

اسماء مستعارة: Kelly Stanford, Dirty Anal Kelly, Kelly Standford

بلد: United Kingdom

ولد: 1978-04-10

عين: Green

شعر: Blonde

ارتفاع: 162 cm

وزن: 50 kg

الثدي: Natural

المشاهدات: 6.7K

Kelly Stafford أشرطة فيديو

1 أشرطة فيديو
Kelly is best known for acting with porn actors Nacho Vidal and Rocco Siffredi, and is best known for her extreme anal sex acts. Her best known double features are Rocco's Dirty Anal, Kelly in Rome and When Rocco Meats Kelly. Winner AVN Awards 2008: Best Sex Scene in Foreign Shot Production.
Years Active as Director: 2001-2002

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